Coffee Bean Art
One of the things that happens once you start experimenting with coffee beans is you sometimes end up with old beans that are no longer with making coffee with. There are functional and mundane uses for the coffee beans. How about something creative where you try your hand at coffee bean art?
Short breaks in your day to create coffee bean art is a great way of relieving stress. We like to think of this as a coffee lover’s version of the mindfulness colouring books :-).
Creativity +Coffee Beans + Surface = Coffee Bean Art
All you really need is a small bag of beans, a clear surface, ideally in a plain white or light colour and your imagination running wild.
Easy Ideas
To start of easy, you could try out writing a few things, like this.
You could then create a coffee cup, fill the cup or change the cup.
More Involved
If you are ready to get more adventurous, why not try a coffee bean map of the world or a country of your choice.
You could also consider using coffee drinks to enhance your coffee bean art. Here is an example of this.
Sophisticated Ideas
For more sophisticated ideas of this type of art, just have a look around on the internet and you can be inspired with a whole set of ideas. Or really take it up a notch and have a go at trying your hand at a Mona Lisa.
Give it a go and let us know what your experience was like. Share pictures of your creative ideas with us.
If you like creativity to do with coffee, then you must read the article on Latte art. If you are looking for something else to entertain you to do with coffee, read our coffee quotes.